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Promote the concept of green publishing Accelerate the digital publishing industry chain

release time:2017-11-24 clicks:17456

Green publishing is aimed at the traditional extensive publishing, that is, the use of modern scientific and technological means, based on the sustainable development of cultural and ecological health and civilization, environmental protection, digital intensive type of publishing. Green publishing contains many contents, which are the corrections and improvements to the traditional extensive publishing. Its core concept is a new publishing idea that aims at the economic, social, cultural and environmental harmony. The publishing industry is Adapt to the cultural ecology, modern science and technology and health needs arising from a new type of publishing.

Promote green publishing concept

To establish the concept of green publishing, we must first update the concept, change the mode of thinking. Green publishing is not only a viable option for the publishing industry to actively deal with environmental and development issues, but also an important link in implementing its own social responsibilities. We should step out of the misunderstanding of "re-investing, light management, heavy-scale, light-efficiency, heavy system and light mechanism" and establish a new publishing concept of "resource constraint and resource optimization" to make full use of the existing foundation and focus on innovation, transformation and tapping potential , Encourage scientific and technological progress and workers to shape and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of survival to ensure a green, sustained, rapid and healthy development of the publishing industry. By optimizing the variety of publications, reducing the luxury design, increasing the recycling of primary and secondary school textbooks and other specific activities, to promote the concept of green publishing purposes.

With the implementation of the State's policy of providing textbooks free of charge, the object of supply is gradually covered by all primary and secondary school students in poor areas to all compulsory education students. Compulsory education materials are transformed from personal belongings to public goods. The conditions for voluntary gradual transition to enforcement are created. In 2006, for the first time, the state put "Encouraging the Recycling of Textbooks" into the newly revised Compulsory Education Law. Starting from the spring of 2008, some provinces and municipalities have established, in accordance with the "Opinions on the Full Implementation of Recycling of Textbooks in Rural Compulsory Education Provided by Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance, and Recycling of Some Textbooks," which has been set up to recycle part-time free textbooks system. Included in the recycling of textbooks include elementary "science", "music", "art" and other eight. In addition to the national standard of deputy section textbooks, some provinces (such as Shanxi) local textbooks, "information technology" and other textbooks and national standard textbooks, like the implementation of recycling. It is learned that every year, the paper produced by primary and secondary school textbooks in our country needs to be cut more than 9 million trees. Recycling not only effectively saves resources and reduces pollution, but also cultivates students' awareness of environmental protection, awareness of saving, sense of responsibility and awareness of social merit, and makes them feel responsible and responsible for others in real life.

Stick to green and healthy content

Whether it is traditional or digital publishing, the first part of the production process is content production. The publishing unit is the provider of quality information and cultural knowledge and its core competence comes from the quality of the content of the publication. In the era of prevailing personal reading, the publishing community should handle well the relationship between "guiding reading" and "service reading", actively disseminate the advanced culture of healthy progress, excellent traditional culture of the nation, high sense of cultural mission and specialization of publishing , Strive to create a good cultural brand, resist the "vulgar, kitsch, vulgar" style, effectively educate people, inspire people. At present, the "Twelfth Five-Year" national key books, audio-visual and electronic publications publishing planning project has been prepared, there will be more on behalf of the national standard and contemporary scientific research level masterpiece come out. In this good environment, the local publishing departments should also make efforts to provide more key publications serving the overall work of the party and the state. They should use outstanding varieties of books to promote the project of reading for all and lead the service of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", especially the farmhouse project carry out.

Accelerate the digital publishing industry chain

Digital publishing is an emerging publishing industry based on modern science and technology and integrating with and surpassing traditional publishing content. It is based on "book content + digital technology". This new publishing format has brought not only the transformation of reading media and reading methods, but also the changes of editing content and editing methods. It makes publication circulation smooth, speed, regional expansion, reduce costs, reuse of resources to achieve a fundamental change in the traditional publishing industry production methods and consumer attitudes to the publishing industry has brought great prospects for upgrading. At present, digital publishing in our country has initially formed a system. The production capacity of a complete set of technology and equipment such as readers and displays from the production of electronic publications to terminals has been formed. A large number of new projects are still under development. At the same time, more and more readers are using digital publishing, and digital reading habits are gradually taking shape, all of which have created the basic conditions for the consumption of digital publications.

At present, the state is making every effort to promote the development of the digital publishing industry and a series of major digital publishing projects are being implemented. Press and Publication Administration is organizing the implementation of "national digital composite publishing project", "digital copyright protection technology research and development project", "China font project", "national knowledge database project" and other national projects. When these projects are completed, they will surely play an important role in the development of digitization. To this end, the publishing industry should adapt itself to the requirements of digital content services. While constantly improving the capacity of digital content technologies, the publishing industry should strive to promote the development of e-commerce distribution systems, speed up capital turnover and investment in science and technology and services, and speed up the construction of the digital publishing industry chain , Effectively reducing operating costs and promoting the formation of a green production and service pattern that has been used many times by publishing resources and repeatedly developed by the publications market.

Transform traditional printing technology

"Environmental printing" is the most important task of the traditional publication of the green revolution, involving environmental protection printing materials, environmental inks, green printing process, and several other aspects. In the global context of the concept of low-carbon, green printing is mentioned in the country at an unprecedented height. In the United States, in the winter of 2010, the US Book Council Environmental Council will introduce an eco-book label, covering three levels and 22 different environmental indicators such as inks, distribution channels, and recyclability. Many publishers also move from saving publishing, publishing on demand, developing online bookstores, etc., while promoting tangible environmental protection such as "green printing." At the same time, they encourage the publishing of intangible environmental protection.

The development of green printing is the only way to change the mode of development of publishing industry. From the government, research institutes to industry associations, we should strengthen research and actively promote the innovation of traditional printing process and the adjustment of the printing industry structure. From the practical experience of various countries, the implementation of the green publishing project must be carried out under the guidance of the government, that is to say, the government has introduced standards and specific implementation measures. To this end, the Press and Publication Administration intends to promote the printing industry, low-carbon, green, environmental protection into the "second five" compilation content, the first batch of green printing national standards will be enacted during the year. It is reported that the printing of green primary and secondary textbooks will be the entry point for the Department to promote green printing, in addition, the construction of green printing park is also an effective way to promote green printing.